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Diploma in New Zealand
Native Flower Essence Therapy

Discover Advanced Ways of Working with Nature for a
Holistic Healing Outcome for Yourself and Others

Get Access to the Complete First Light® Advanced Holistic Healing Matrix©

The First Light® Dip.NZNFE Online Course Bundle gives you access to the complete First Light® Advanced Holistic Healing Matrix©, which is a universal award winning vibrational medicine system for natural wellbeing and advanced ways of working with nature for a holistic healing outcome for yourself and others.

The First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® approach to holistic healing and working with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® exactly replicates the way that holistic wellbeing and health is naturally sustained in nature.

In the First Light® Dip.NZNFE Online Course Bundle you will have access to the five phases of the First Light® Nature's Holistic Healing Matrix© and you will also have access to the First Light® Advanced Holistic Healing Matrix©.

You will learn how to work with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower essences No’s 1-120 to help you easily identify and address the underlying energetic root cause of the many issues people experience today, including more complicated issues at the level of the soul and spirit.

"I invite you to embark on a life-transforming journey with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower, fern, tree, seed, plant, healers and shamanic essences No's 1-120 made from the ancient native New Zealand flora.

Access the vast pool of ancient wisdom teachings on holistic healing and vibrational medicine with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®. Study from anywhere at your own pace."

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber


Welcome from Founder and Creator
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® is a range of flower essences made from the unique native flora of New Zealand, Aotearoa, made specifically for the world in which we live today.

A powerful yet gentle means of transformation, these essences are natural emotional remedies that compliment other natural therapies or can be used as a standalone solution to achieve holistic wellbeing.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are at the cutting edge in flower essence research, development and training worldwide.


What You Will Be Learning

Ground-breaking training material and exercises that can be completed at your own pace in 150 hours or less

First Light® Dip.NZNFE Online Course Bundle is comprised of a system of seven First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® courses with total of 15 study units NZNFE 101-115 with ground-breaking training material and exercises that can be completed at your own pace in 150 hours or less.

You can study the units in any order at your own pace. The popular choice for our students is to purchase the complete First Light® Dip.NZNFE Online Course Bundle with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower, fern, tree, seed, plant, healers and shamanic essences No’s 1-120


First Light® Flowers of Transformation

two study units NZNFE 101-102

Transform Your Attitude – Change Your Life
with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Flower Essences No's 1-36

  • Discover the holistic healing depth and benefits of First Light® flower essences No’s 1-36
  • Learn about the personality, its role and purpose, and the anatomy of the personality
  • Discover how to maintain the harmonious personality predisposition
  • Identify the personal keynote flower essence or ‘power flower’ for yourself or another
  • Learn about the 12 zodiacal signs and the 12 primal urges
  • Discover how to use Nature’s Holistic Healing Triad© to address the 12 primal wounds
  • Learn how to identify and transform the pain-stress-depression cycle
  • Access the keys to maintaining holistic wellbeing in the 21st century with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower essences No’s 1-36
  • Learn how to accurately select First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower essences No’s 1-36 for yourself or others
  • Exercises to help you identify and be able to address the changing negative daily attitudes and emotions
  • Exercises to help you confidently carry out client consultations
  • And much, much more


First Light® Ferns - Life Trauma

two study units NZNFE 103-104

Clear the Aura - Move Beyond Pain
with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Fern Essences No's 37-43

  • Discover the holistic healing depth and benefits of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences No’s 37-43
  • Learn about the aura, its role and purpose, and the anatomy of the aura
  • Find out all about aura maintenance and aura detoxification
  • Identify the constitutional fern essence for yourself or another
  • Learn about the seven fundamental traumas and how to address them with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences No‘s 37-43
  • Learn about personal and collective aura impactation
  • Learn about the 10-part cycle of grief and how to naturally move faster through it
  • Access the keys to maintaining holistic wellbeing in the 21st century with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences No’s 37-43
  • Learn how to accurately select First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences for yourself or others
  • Exercises to help you identify the seven layers of the aura
  • Exercises to help you confidently carry out client consultations
  • And much, much more


First Light® Trees – Personal Power

two study units NZNFE 105-106

Balance, Strengthen and Protect the Chakras
with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Tree Essences No's 44-50

  • Discover the holistic healing depth and benefits of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® tree essences No’s 44-50
  • Learn about the chakras, their role and purpose, and the anatomy of the chakras
  • Discover how to maintain the energetic integrity of the seven chakras
  • Identify the constitutional tree essence for yourself or another
  • Discover the sacred earth wisdoms about the trees and chakras
  • Learn about personal and collective chakra impactation
  • Find out all about chakra maintenance and chakra detoxification
  • Access the keys to maintaining holistic wellbeing in the 21st century with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® tree essences No’s 44-50
  • Learn how to accurately select First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® tree essences for yourself or others
  • Exercises to help you identify and be able to address chakra imbalances
  • Exercises to help you confidently carry out client consultations
  • And much, much more


First Light® Seeds – New Beginnings

two study units NZNFE 107-108

Restoring the DNA Master Patterns for Living
with First First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Seed Essences No's 51-62

  • Discover the holistic healing depth and benefits of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® seed essences No’s 51-63
  • Learn about DNA, its role and purpose, and the energetic anatomy of DNA
  • Discover how to maintain the energetic integrity of DNA
  • Access the keys for restoring the primordial light codes of power
  • Identify the constitutional seed essence for yourself or another
  • Discover the sacred teachings on hereditary, ancestral and past life healing
  • Learn how to clear blocked energies from the past and the future
  • Learn about personal, collective and ancestral DNA impactation
  • Find out all about DNA ancestral quantum healing
  • Access the keys to maintaining holistic wellbeing in the 21st century with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® seed essences No’s 51-63
  • Learn how to accurately select First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® seed essences for yourself or others
  • Exercises to help you identify and be able to address energetic distortions at the level of DNA
  • Exercises to help you confidently carry out client consultations
  • And much, much more


First Light® Plants - Life Enhancement

two study units NZNFE 109-110

Enhance Life Experiences - Live Life Consciously
with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Plant Essences No's 63-84

  • Discover the holistic healing depth and benefits of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® plant essences No’s 63-84
  • Learn about the soul, its role and purpose, and the anatomy of the soul
  • Discover how to use plant essence magic in everyday situations
  • Learn how to create magical plant essence combinations to support the soul to overcome daily challenges
  • Find out how to maintain the energetic integrity of the soul
  • Identify the soul lesson for each solar year for yourself or another
  • Identify the life path essence for yourself or another
  • Learn about the 22 soul/karmic lessons
  • Learn about the connection between Tarot and First Light® plant essences
  • Learn how to empower and support the soul through the 22 archetypal soul lessons
  • Exercises to help you identify your own soul journey
  • Learn how to work with the universal healing energies
  • Learn about the archangelic realm and its role in restoring holistic wellbeing
  • Access the keys to soul growth and development in the 21st century with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® plant essences No’s 63-84
  • Learn how to accurately select First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® plant essences for yourself or others
  • Exercises to help you identify and address everyday challenges
  • Exercises to help you confidently carry out client consultations
  • And much, much more


First Light® Healers – The Healers Collection

two study units NZNFE 111-112

Working in Harmony with Nature
with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Healers Essences No's 85-96

  • Learn about the holistic healing benefits of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® healers essences No’s 85-96
  • Learn about the sacred role of the healer in society and the three types of healer
  • Learn about hearing the sacred call of the healer
  • Learn about the five subtle senses of the healer
  • Discover how to use the First Light® Nature’s Advanced Holistic Healing Matrix©
  • Access the keys to maintaining holistic wellbeing in the 21st century with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® healers essences No’s 85-96
  • Discover how to address complicated issues pertaining to the state of the soul or the life of the soul
  • Learn how to accurately select First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® healers essences for yourself or others
  • Exercises to help you confidently carry out client consultations
  • And much, much more


First Light® Shamanic – The Shamanic Collection

two study units NZNFE 113-115

Treat the Cause – Heal the Spirit
with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Shamanic Essences No's 97-120

  • Learn about the holistic healing benefits of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® shamanic essences No’s 97-120
  • Learn about the sacred role of the shaman-healer in society
  • Learn about a more advanced way of working with nature
  • Learn about hearing the sacred call of the shaman-healer
  • Discover how to use the First Light® Nature’s Advanced Holistic Healing Matrix©
  • Learn how to assess and address complicated issues at the level of the soul and spirit
  • Learn how to work with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® shamanic essences No’s 97-120 for self and with clients
  • Learn how to accurately select First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® shamanic essences for yourself or others
  • Exercises to help you confidently carry out client consultations
  • And much, much more

Talk To Our Team

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Email us at [email protected]

Who Is This Course For?

The First Light® Dip.NZNFE Online Course Bundle is right for you if:

  • You want to take charge of your own holistic wellbeing
  • You want to become a cutting edge advanced vibrational medicine holistic practitioner
  • You are ready to gain a more complete and more advanced understanding of vibrational healing and of all the components necessary for holistic healing and wellbeing
  • You want to assist your friends and loved ones at a more profound level
  • You want to better understand yourself and others
  • You want to make progress on your healing, personal development or spiritual journey
  • You want to supercharge your existing holistic healing practice
  • You want to achieve a Diploma in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy
  • You want to work with nature to help restore holistic wellbeing
  • You want to work with an award winning system of vibrational medicine
  • You want to receive the benefits that come from studying with an expert in the field of vibrational medicine

This online course bundle empowers you to:

  • Achieve your Diploma in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy
  • Become a confident and comprehensive cutting edge holistic healing practitioner
  • Take your holistic healing career to the next level
  • Take charge of your life and your own holistic healing
  • Live your life naturally as a joyous, harmonious, peaceful and empowering experience
  • Work with and apply an award winning system of vibrational medicine

Learn From the Expert

Award Winning Flower Essence Authority and Vibrational Medicine Expert Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

You will be learning from an award-winning vibrational medicine and flower essence expert, healer and spiritual teacher Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber. Franchelle has been awarded the New Zealand Health and Industry Distinguished Service Research and Development Award for 'pioneering, developing and establishing of New Zealand native flower essences for holistic healing'. This award was in recognition for over 30 years of working with the New Zealand native essences, their uniqueness and relevance to the holistic health challenges faced by humanity in the 21st century.

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber is the founding director and creator of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®. Franchelle's teachings have been helping people and transforming lives around the world for over 45 years.

Through the First Light® online courses Franchelle opens the doorway for you to access the vast pool of ancient wisdom teachings on sacred plant medicine in the form of First Light® flower essences, holistic wellbeing and vibrational medicine.

In 2017 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® received the NZ Business Award 2017 for excellence in Holistic Health Products by APAC Insider Awards who recognise truly outstanding and innovative businesses around the world.

What Our Students Say

I am now able to provide a more holistic approach to the client

"I was motivated to embark on my First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Diploma study due to my desire to expand my healing modalities for my clients. While I have been serving my clients for many years with their biochemical balancing, I felt that there was a need for a more energetic arm of my practice.

While I was able to address biochemical imbalances through my functional medicine background, I am now able to provide a more holistic approach to the client by raising awareness of the importance of dealing with emotional or unresolved situations from their conscious or subconscious past or past life that may be holding them back from their wellness goals. It has been incredibly empowering to be able to offer clients holistic healing tools on this deeper level with new knowledge gained from the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® study.

My fundamental concern about undertaking this study was the time commitment involved. I manage a busy functional medicine practice and was unsure of how I would juggle my work and study commitments as well as maintain a personal life through it all. I have enjoyed that it was a self-paced study so I could progress at my own pace. This meant I was able to schedule my time accordingly to meet all of my commitments.

My sincerest gratitude to Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber for the immense wisdom and ground-breaking teachings that truly embody all levels of holistic healing of the body, mind, heart, and spirit. I greatly look forward to passing along this great holistic healing knowledge to others."

Kathleen Schubert, Dip.NZNFE
Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Practitioner

“I have been a health practitioner for more than fifty years, professionally in main stream medicine and in private practice in natural health. I began studying with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® in 2002 and I have completed all First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® courses and attained a First Light® Diploma in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy. The ground-breaking information provided in First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® courses is invaluable in order to understand the underlying energetic causes of disharmony and dis-ease. I never cease to be in awe and passionate about the holistic healing capacity of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®. I find that the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower essences No’s 1-36 are amazing for my clients who want to understand themselves and to find holistically effective ways to go beyond limitations and restrictions.

After being an ACC accredited sexual abuse counsellor for twelve years, when I completed the First Light® Ferns - Life Trauma course I immediately began to use the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences No’s 37-43 with my clients. To witness my clients leaving the pain and trauma behind is remarkable.

I also use First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® tree essences No’s 44-50, seed essences No’s 51-62 and plant essences No’s 63-84 with my clients. They are life changing. It is a joy to see a client fulfilling their full potential.

My life has been enriched immeasurably by First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower essence range and courses, the connection with like-minded people, the holistic healing and the joy of making a difference in the world is a treasure."

Chris Griffiths, Dip.NZNFE
Registered Nurse, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner, New Zealand

“I have been working with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® for over 15 years. I began the training courses when I was working as a naturopath and medical herbalist in a very busy health food store dispensary. Very quickly First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® became one of our most utilised modalities as they were applicable to almost everyone who came to see us for assistance.

I became a First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner when that qualification became available and set myself up at home to see clients for First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® consultations. I soon had a regular client base and to this day I still work with many of those clients who came to me in the early days for their ‘magic drops’.

My practice grew organically and before long I was busy juggling parenting, full time work, my First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® practice and volunteer work – all made possible due to using the flower essences myself. My own personal growth and healing with the essences has always evolved alongside my growth as a practitioner and it has been a delight to bring my clients along on this journey.

Today I am a self-employed First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® practitioner. My naturopathic skills still come in handy, but only as an adjunct to my work with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®. I have worked with hundreds of clients over the years and have become well-equipped to assist people from all walks of life dealing with the myriad of complexities of being human.

My First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner qualification is a real taonga to me. It is the absolute centre of my practice and working life and from it all great things in my life emerge and evolve."

Lynda Earl, Dip.NZNFE
Natural Medicine Practitioner, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner, New Zealand

“Prior to undertaking First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® courses I was seeing clients as a secondary income as a healer and had my own healing practice. After completing the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® courses I began incorporating First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® into my practice by giving clients First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower essence blends at the end of the session to support them. I realized that it was the bottle of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® that the client took away with them that was actually where the majority of the holistic healing occurred.

Shortly after that awakening my sessions consisted using solely First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® and it is the only modality I now practice. I have seen incredible changes within myself, family and clients as a result of working with these essences. They are such an important part of my life that I applied for and was accepted to become a First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® tutor in 2017.

I now teach First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® workshops in Hamilton and Auckland which I see as an honour in being able to facilitate an Aquarian Age holistic healing modality that is totally suited to the needs of the 21st century. It is so rewarding to see students that have attended my workshops to go on and become certified practitioners of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® and create their own holistic healing practice."

Steven Lydford, Dip.NZNFE
Primary School Teacher, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner, New Zealand

With First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® I can help people to solve more difficult issues in a shorter amount of time

"I enrolled into the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Diploma training because I wanted to be trained at the top level to be able to serve my clients better.

With the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® healers and shamanic essences, there's a significant change, a new level of healing is possible. I can help people to solve more difficult issues in a shorter amount of time. Bring order and coherence to this world, one person at a time.

I am very excited because I plan to apply to be a tutor of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® in Spain. I love First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® and I love to explain their properties and spread the knowledge into the world."

Montserrat Escoda, Dip.NZNFE
Businesswoman, Coach, Barcelona, Spain

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® is a modality of infinite possibilities as it works with you as an evolving being

"I first came across the modality of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® therapy while studying for a Diploma in medical herbalism. I immediately recognised the potential of this form of vibrational medicine to address the underlying causes of negative states and dis-ease at the less tangible areas of a person's life such as the emotions that contribute to undermining one's physical health.

In my journey of learning about holistic health and wellbeing I knew you had to get to the cause of a problem otherwise you are only ever applying a bandaid over the symptom.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® therapy became part of my tool kit for my family and friends while I was raising my children.

By working as a First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® practitioner and selling flower essence blends to clients I was able to continue to fund my studies to gain my Certificate and then my Diploma in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®. I have been a registered practitioner since 2015, and became the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® tutor in Sydney, Australia in 2021.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® became the basis of my practice and one that I could fit around the needs of my family.

One of my favourite ways to work with a client is to meet them in nature for coaching and to have my First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Practitioner Kit ready to make a blend for them to take home according to what was indicated by our coaching conversation.

I personally take a blend of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® all the time, creating a new bottle to suit my holistic health needs and to stay strong and centred from an inner perspective so I can meet any challenges I face with a positive response.

My personal development has always been important to me and I continue to grow and evolve with the personal blends I make and take for myself. This is a modality of infinite possibilities as it works with you as an evolving being and this is another reason I love working with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® range. There is something for everyone no matter where they are in their holistic healing and personal development journey."

Maria Gerathy, Dip.NZNFE
Transpersonal Coach, Sydney, Australia

“Every section of the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® training has been wonderfully enlightening. I enjoyed learning about the interaction of personality, aura, chakras, DNA and soul. The five families of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® essences work together in a wholistic healing matrix. During the First Light® Seeds – New Beginnings course, I very much enjoyed looking at my family history as I find genealogy fascinating and relevant to how we absorb our negative or positive beliefs, shadows, behaviour and fears from our ancestors, past lives and the journey through this present life. I am very pleased to have finally completed all five of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® courses and to achieve the First Light® Certificate in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy and become a First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® registered practitioner using this sensational, comprehensive range of essences that are the sacred plant medicine of New Zealand."

Gillian Crundwell, Cert.NZNFE
Ecologist and Herbalist, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner, New South Wales, Australia

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® have become a central part of my health practice

"Studying for the Diploma with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® was life changing for me. It gave me an understanding of myself, others and the world that I did not have access to before. Working with the essences has integrated this into every level of my being.

When I undertook the very first First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® course my personal experience of coming back into balance was extremely powerful. I felt as if I had been wading through mud, suddenly I felt free and could move forward again. It was so easy.

When I started working with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® 12 years ago, they became a perfect match for my BodyTalk practice. They provided a different level of holistic healing and also bedded in the sessions. My clients found this a powerful combination as they felt they were actively working on holistically healing themselves and by keeping this focus could notice the changes.

My clients say that First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® is their ‘secret weapon’. They use the essences before going into challenging meetings or before a challenging conversation. For other clients the work has been on supporting their soul journey. By understanding their journey and supported by the essences it has helped them learn to love the challenges life presents them as an opportunity to learn and build some muscle in that particular soul lesson. The other noticeable change has been their ability to remain neutral and unattached to the outcome in challenging situations and as a result they have had unexpected positive results such as turning a fraught relationship with an ex-partner into a good relationship so they can work as team for the benefit of any children.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® have become the central part of my holistic health practice.

Before I worked with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® I was always comparing myself with other people who I thought were super project managers, super consultants or super practitioners. I was always striving to be better. I had a low view of my skills and abilities. It was very tiring and stressful.

Through working with the essences, and the training, I learnt I had a soul and my life and life events were about my soul journey. I learnt that I was unique and had a unique set of gifts to contribute to my clients and the world. I stopped trying to shoe horn myself into someone else’s skin. I stand in my uniqueness.

Thank you to First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® and the Online School for the support I received through the process.

Hilary Carlile, Dip.NZNFE
Project Manager and Consultant, BodyTalk Practitioner, New Zealand

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® were the missing piece in my toolkit

“I started working with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® on a personal level when I began my Herbal Medicine and Naturopathy training. I was ‘hooked’ after my first blend and knew deep in my being that this was where it was at for me both personally and professionally as a practitioner.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are now my modality of choice. I am constantly in awe of the powerful ways in which they work to help shift disharmonious patterns and help people to free themselves from old emotional pain and trauma that has been impacting their lives.

I love it when a client contacts me to let me know that they feel lighter and more empowered to manage their life from a place of strength and awareness since they started taking their essence blend. It is amazing to witness the transformations that can take place within a short period of time.

I have seen people go from feeling uncertain and fearful to being able to respond to what is happening in their life with clarity and self-assuredness. These flower essences were the missing piece in my tool kit and I offer them to all my clients as a way to help bring greater harmony, balance and empowerment to their lives."

Lana Raill, Dip.NZNFE
Medical Herbalist, Naturopath, Intuitive Healer, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner, New Zealand

"Before I discovered First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® I was seeing clients in my Instinctive Health practice using BodyTalk. The ‘discovery’ of the essences and the in-depth training offered by First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® has given me an amazing tool to add to my toolbox. My clients now get so much more understanding of themselves and they go away with a blend that syncs in with the journey they are on.

It is gratifying to see change happening – those who come with deep seated grief and after a few months are moving forward in their life again. The First Light® Ferns – Life Trauma and First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences have to be my favourite. The First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences help to clear energetic imprints of trauma and I know from personal experience that they helped me through some traumatic events in my own life. Maybe because of this I seem to attract people who need to clear trauma too. They always go away with some First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences in their blend."

Jeanette Shearer, Dip.NZNFE
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner, New Zealand

This work is much more fulfilling to me

"I am qualified as a Naturopath and Medical Herbalist, and have used First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® range in my practice for well over a decade. My work has changed drastically over that time, and I now see clients for tarot and astrology readings, and counselling at a soul level. This work is much more fulfilling to me and is well supported through First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®.

My transition started after doing the First Light® Plants – Life Enhancement course, where I learned about the Soul’s journey and the correlation between the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® plant essences No’s 63-84 and the major arcana of the tarot.

During my client’s readings many themes and issues arise, and I have found by giving my clients a bottle of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®, they can work through these junctures with renewed strength and grace. The First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® allow a deeper level of holistic healing and allow new and exciting patterns to emerge.

Likewise the astrological correspondences with the flower essences No’s 1-36 offer a way forward to my clients. It is great to see the themes of a natal chart appear, and the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower essences No’s 1-36 give a more visceral and proactive way for the client to work with their innate gifts.

Whilst I still work with herbal tinctures for physical ailments, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are my first port of call for each and every client who walks through my door."

Stephanie Young, Dip.NZNFE
Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, Tarot and Astrology Reader, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner, New Zealand

About First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Flower, Fern, Tree, Seed, Plant, Healers and Shamanic Essences No's 1-120


First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower, fern, tree, seed, plant, healhers and shamanic essences No’s 1-120 you have the exact holistic healing and spiritual support you need every day right at your fingertips. These essences offer you a cost effective and convenient way to stock your essential and advanced flower essence dispensary to help you address the underlying energetic root cause of the many issues people experience today.

We recommend purchasing the First Light® Dip.NZNFE Online Course Bundle with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower, fern, tree, seed, plant, healers and shamanic essences No's 1-120 together so you can start helping yourself and others straight away.



What Are Flower Essences?

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are pristine plant vibrations or plant energies held in pure water. Based on the ancient holistic healing principle that vibration moves faster through water, the holistic healing vibration of a plant is transferred to a person who takes the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® via a natural process of resonance transfer. Resonance transfer is a dynamic natural and non-intrusive process of working with the powers of nature.

Much like a tuning fork that is used to tune a piano, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® tune a person’s vibration to a state of genuine natural holistic wellbeing.

“The award winning universal vibrational medicine system that is
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® is based on the premise that
the holistic human organism can be likened to a musical instrument.
Like all musical instruments it needs to be kept perfectly tuned.”
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

Why Are First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Different?

Flower essences from the pristine ancient flora of New Zealand

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are made from unique native flowers and plants of New Zealand following ancient protocols. New Zealand has evolved in isolation for millions of years preserving some of the most ancient and unique forests in the world.

There is an inherent untouched spiritual heart-based energetic resonance woven throughout the ancient flora of New Zealand. Because of their great age and purity, New Zealand plants have unique vibrational blueprints that can be accessed when worked with in a particular way. In the making of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® the highly developed state of consciousness of the maker and the process of conscious cooperation between the maker and the plant kingdom has ensured that each plant has released its full vibrational healing potential making each First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® energetically potent.

“Only the mighty plants from the pristine ancient New Zealand flora have the necessary power, required to bring the much-needed strength and healing to humanity.”
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

Highest frequency vibrational medicine system

The First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are totally unique in that they are all made using a proprietary process and special protocols and processes given to Franchelle by the ancient earth guardians. These protocols and processes enable the plant to release its full ‘holistic healing power’.

The First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® range of essences have been created after 1999 and have encoded within them a holistic healing chord. This gives the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® range of flower essences a unique energetic potency which is necessary to address the very complex and problematic issues associated with 21st century living.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® therapy is the highest frequency nature-based vibrational medicine system available. It is distinctive as it can address the many underlying energetic root causes of the numerous issues people experience today, at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

In the 21st century it is essential that we address the wellbeing of the whole person. First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are designed to work with all aspects of the holistic human makeup, including the personality, the chakras, the aura, the DNA, the soul and spirit - bringing together all aspects of the multidimensional holistic self into an equilibrated unity.

The unique award winning First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® system enables a person to work intelligently with all the aspects of a person at the same time.


First Light® Online School - Enjoy Full Access Today

Join thousands of pioneering students


Thousands of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® students from around the world have enjoyed learning about and applying the holistic healing principles revealed in the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® courses. We welcome you into our global community and look forward to supporting you on a rewarding journey of holistic healing, wellbeing and personal and professional growth.



Access ancient wisdom teachings and support from anywhere in the world.

When you enrol into a First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® course, you receive instant access to our First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Online School with a wealth of online information, resources, support and the opportunity to connect with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® community from anywhere in the world.


Included in Your First Light® Dip.NZNFE Online Course Bundle

Diploma Professional Qualification Training

Ground-breaking training material and exercises that can be completed at your own pace in 150 hours or less. Learn how to confidently work with the five-phases of the First Light® Nature’s Holistic Healing Matrix© and the Advanced Holistic Healing Matrix© to address issues and support every day holistic wellbeing at a personality, aura, chakras, DNA, soul and spirit level.

Criteria for achieving your Diploma in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy (Dip. NZNFE): Receive your completion certificates for the 15 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® study units included in this online bundle NZNFE 101–115 and provide 7 case studies and a thesis. We are here to help you achieve your Diploma every step of the way!

Full online course access for 12 months

  • SACRED PLANT MEDICINE TEACHINGS: You will have access to sacred plant medicine teachings to help you deepen your understanding of how to naturally restore and maintain holistic wellbeing.
  • EXERCISES: You will be given specially designed exercises to help you develop expertise and confidence in using First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower, fern, tree, seed, plant, healers and shamanic essences No's 1-120 for holistic wellbeing.
  • COMMUNITY SUPPORT: You will have access to community support and specialised classrooms in the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® online school where you can learn from others and share your experiences
  • RARE FILM FOOTAGE: You will have access to the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® online school library that houses recordings of workshops and talks with Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber.
  • Q&A: QUESTIONS ANSWERED BY FRANCHELLE: You will be able to submit questions directly to Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber and to access an extensive archive of Q&A’s.
  • 24/7 ONLINE SCHOOL ACCESS FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD: You will be able to access the state-of-the-art First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® online school with ancient mystery teachings, community and more at any time from any of your devices from anywhere in the world.
  • STUDENT CARE AND SUPPORT: You can email our study department or access support in the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® online school whenever you need help, so you know you are always supported.
  • CERTIFICATE: A First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Certificate of completion will be sent to you on completion and submission of the exercises to meet certificate course criteria at the end of your course.



Questions About the Courses

Why should I choose to train and work with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®?


New Zealand Business Awards 2017

Excellence in holistic natural health products
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® received an award for Excellence in Holistic Natural Health Products in the New Zealand Business Awards 2017. Click here to read our feature in the Apac Insider Magazine.

The New Zealand Business Awards have been designed to celebrate innovative thinkers and cast a light on the dedication shown and achievements made by businesses.

New Zealand Health and Industry Distinguished Service Research and Development Award 2008

Pioneering New Zealand native flower essences for holistic healing
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, the founding director and creator of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® has been awarded the New Zealand Health and Industry Distinguished Service Research and Development Award for 'pioneering, developing and establishing of New Zealand native flower essences for holistic healing'.

This award was in recognition for over 30 years of working with the New Zealand native essences, their uniqueness and relevance to the holistic health challenges faced by humanity in the 21st century.

Working In Total Co-operation With Nature

The Age of Cherishing Waters

The essential vibrational keynote of the 21st century or Aquarian Age is one of co-operation. This age is one of total co-operation with nature. The New Zealand native flora is among some of the most ancient in the world and possesses unique qualities.

New Zealand is the only country in the world with a natural ecosystem that replicates the message of the emerging age - a totally integrated, benign cooperative endeavour that is non-competitive. First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® have encoded into them these higher energetic frequencies of co-operation and non-competitiveness and meet the requirements for holistic healing in the 21st century.

The Highest Standards Of Excellence and Professional Training

Our Certificate and Diploma courses offer the highest standards of excellence and professional training. FIrst Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® provides what we understand to be the most comprehensive flower essence training currently available.

Do I have to do all of the courses or can I do just one?

You can complete as many or as few courses as you like. You can enrol at anytime and to whichever course you choose You can enrol into a single course or choose the full Certificate or Diploma professional qualification pathway.

How do I become a First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Practitioner?

You can become a First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner by obtaining your Certificate (Cert.NZNFE) or Diploma (Dep.NZNFE) in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy.

Are the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Certificate of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy (CERT.NZNFE) and the Diploma of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy (DIP.NZNFE) widely respected and accepted?

Yes. Our Certificate (Cert.NZNFE) and Diploma (Dip.NZNFE) courses offer the highest standards of excellence and professional training. Our Certificate (Cert.NZNFE) students are required to complete 100 hours of study and exercises and our Diploma (Dip.NZNFE) students require to complete 150 hours of study and exercises which can be done at their own pace. First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® provides what we understand to be the most comprehensive flower essence, vibrational medicine and holistic healing training currently available.

I do not want to become a registered practitioner but I want to learn about First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®. Can I do the courses?

Yes. You can choose to do any or all of the courses. They are suitable for anyone with either a personal or professional interest in flower essence therapy flower essences therapy, vibrational medicine and holistic healing.

Is there a time limit as to how long I have to complete the courses if I want to do them all and become a practitioner?

There is no set time frame in which to complete all the courses to be eligible to become a practitioner. Please note that when you enrol into a specific course, you have access to that particular course material in the online school for a period of 6 months from the date of enrolment (12 months for the Certificate and Diploma Course Bundles).

What is the criteria for achieving Certificate in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy?

Achieving your Certificate in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy (Cert.NZNFE) is a three-step process that is comprised of:

Step 1: Successfully complete 10 study units

The Certificate in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy (Cert.NZNFE) requires you to successfully complete the following 10 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® study units of NZNFE 101–110, which equates to 100 hours

Step 2: Write and submit a Certificate thesis

The purpose of the Certificate thesis:

  • For students to demonstrate they have a sound understanding of the advanced principles of vibrational healing and energy medicine as they apply to flower essences generally and First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No’s 1-84 specifically.
  • For students to demonstrate a good understanding as to why First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® play a pivotal role in the development of advanced flower essence therapy and vibrational healing medicine as we move further into the 21st century.

Step 3: Complete and submit 5 case studies

The purpose of the Certificate case studies shows:

  • The student can demonstrate the ability to take a professional case study.
  • The student clearly understands the effects of individual essences selected from different essence families and demonstrates relevant application to their nominated client case study.
  • The student demonstrates their reasoning for essence selections.

For currently enrolled students, additional information is included in the PDF file ‘Cert.NZNFE Criteria’ located in the First Light® Online School Library.

What is the criteria for achieving Diploma in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy?

Achieving your Diploma in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy (Dip.NZNFE) is a four-step process that is comprised of:

Step 1: Obtain the Certificate in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy (Cert.NZNFE)

See how to obtain the Certificate of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy (Cert.NZNFE) in the criteria above.

Step 2: Successfully complete additional 5 study units

The Diploma in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy (Dip.NZNFE) requires you to successfully complete the following additional five First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® study units of NZNFE 111-115, which equates to 50 additional hours of study and exercises.

The Healers Collection course

  • NZNFE 111: First Light® Healers – The Healers Collection, healers essences No's 85-90
  • NZNFE 112: First Light® Healers – The Healers Collection, healers essences No's 91-96

The Shamanic Collection course

  • NZNFE 113: First Light® Shamanic – The Shamanic Collection, shamanic essences No's 97-104
  • NZNFE 114: First Light® Shamanic – The Shamanic Collection, shamanic essences No's 105-112
  • NZNFE 115: First Light® Shamanic – The Shamanic Collection, shamanic essences No's 113-120

Step 3: Write and submit a Diploma thesis

The purpose of the Diploma thesis:

  1. For students to demonstrate they have a sound understanding of the advanced principles of vibrational healing and energy medicine as they apply to First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® generally and to the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® healers and shamanic teacher plant essences No’s 85-120 specifically.
  2. For students to demonstrate a good understanding as to why First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® play a pivotal role in the development of advanced flower essence therapy and vibrational holistic healing medicine as we move further into the 21st century.
  3. For students to demonstrate a good understanding as to how First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® healers and shamanic essences are worked with for a holistic healing outcome for themselves and others.

Step 4: Complete and submit 2 client case studies - one from the First Light® Healers – The Healers Collection course and one from the First Light® Shamanic – The Shamanic Collection course.

The purpose of the Diploma case studies shows:

  1. The student can demonstrate the ability to take a professional case study.
  2. The student clearly understands the effects of individual essences selected from different essence families and demonstrates relevant application to their nominated client case study.
  3. The student demonstrates their reasoning for essence selections.

For currently enrolled students, additional information is included in the PDF file ‘Dip.NZNFE Criteria’ located in the First Light® Online School Library.

What Happens After You Order

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Click Add to Cart below and you'll be taken to a Secure Order Page.

Log into your account


A confirmation email will be sent to you with your login details to access your course in the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® online school.

Enjoy your new program


You can access your First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® online course from anywhere and study at your own pace. Enjoy the journey! You will have access to your online school for 12 months from the day of enrolment.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Online Course Bundle

Diploma Dip.NZNFE
Get Started Now!

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  1. First Light® Dip.NZNFE Online Course Bundle (units NZNFE 101 - 115)

    Get access to the program online on any of your devices: Android, iOS, desktop, tablet, smartphone

    First Light® Dip.NZNFE Online Course Bundle (units NZNFE 101 - 115)

    7 online courses (15 study units NZNFE 101-115)


    This purchase includes online courses only. It does NOT include First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No’s 1-120. The essences can be purchased separately. REPEAT students enjoy 50% off.

  2. BEST VALUE: First Light® Dip.NZNFE (online course bundle + First Light® essences No's 1-120)

    Get access to the program online on any of your devices: Android, iOS, desktop, tablet, smartphone

    BEST VALUE: First Light® Dip.NZNFE (online course bundle + First Light® essences No's 1-120)

    7 online courses (15 study units NZNFE 101-115) + First Light® essences No's 1-120


    Save NZ$803 when you purchase the First Light® Diploma online course bundle together with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No’s 1-120, instead of buying each essence individually. Total value NZ$5982

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