2023 – A Number 7 Year - Triumph and Destiny

2023. A Number 7 Year – Triumph and Destiny


We are living in exciting times and 2023 will be a year like no other as it is a call to change.

In 2023 there will be a particular focus on overcoming obstacles, and keeping the momentum going by taking action based on what is aligned with our soul’s deepest desires and our true destiny.

We have the opportunity to develop greater resilience, determination and the will-power needed to stay the course and steer our lives in the right direction.

This new cycle brings abundant opportunities for us all to find new solutions to old problems, to triumph over adversity, move forward fearlessly and take charge of our destiny.

The past 2 years have thrust us into unprecedented situations both on the personal and collective levels. The strong theme of transformation and the relinquishing of old ways of being to make room for the new to emerge will continue to play out in the coming years as we move further into the Aquarian Age.

As old belief systems crumble and old structures are being dismantled across the planet, the way is being cleared for an entirely new way for humanity to live.

Franchelle has created a new First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® 2023 blend to support you to link into the power of your soul so you can make the most of what the year 2023 brings.

You can order the 2023 Blend here.


Answering the Call of Soul to Live Your Destiny

As souls on the evolutionary journey through life, we are being presented with remarkable opportunities in 2023 to live in greater alignment with our soul’s unique purpose, to live a more soul-infused and soul-directed life.

More than ever, the world needs each and every one of us to heed the call of soul, to relinquish the control of the personality self with its likes and dislikes - so that we can become the fullest expression of who and what we truly are.

When we each do this the potential exists to ultimately transform the world for the better.

The year 2023 is an invitation to resolve inner conflicts and apply our personal will in alignment with Divine Will to achieve our goals.

It is an invitation to emerge triumphant over adversities and setbacks that seek to take us off track from fulfilling our true purpose.

It is time to rise to the occasion, to creatively harness the power of our instinctual nature, and to take control of our lives and destiny.  


The Numerology for the Year 2023 - A Number 7 Year

2023 is a number 7 year. Adding the digits 2+0+2+3 produces the number 7. The number 7 corresponds to the soul lesson of mastering opposing forces and influences within and without, and setting goals based on clear objectives and personal values.

This is a year for facing life’s challenges with a strong sense of direction.

This year is an invitation for your soul to take up its rightful place in the driver’s seat so that you can live a soul infused life and in so doing steer your life in the right direction in accordance with your destiny.

These qualities are symbolically represented in the major trump tarot key number 7, The Chariot. The image on this card shows a figure driving a chariot pulled by two sphinxes: one black and one white. The two sphinxes symbolise among other things the influence of positive and negative forces, the emotions and the mind and the subconscious and unconscious aspects of the mind.

The two sphinxes are pulling in opposite directions, however the charioteer is in full control of the vehicle and is able to steer the chariot in the direction he wants it to go through the use of his will. The ability to apply our inner will and intelligence to overcome obstacles and accomplish our personal objectives will be a key theme in 2023.


First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 69 Bracken Fern has an energetic association with the tarot key The Chariot and with the number 7. With its keyword ‘Triumph’, this essence supports us to emerge victorious from difficult situations. It helps us at the soul level to embody the qualities of the spiritual warrior so we can overcome obstacles and move forward in the desired direction.


Looking at the numerology for the year 2023, we can see the theme of transformation continues with an emphasis on harnessing and applying our inner will to overcome obstacles and challenges to triumphantly propel ourselves forward in a positive direction.

By deepening and strengthening our spiritual connection and being open to guidance from our higher self in the form of signs and messages in daily life, we can step more fully into our soul’s purpose in 2023. 

The number 20 features in the numerology for 2023 and correlates to the major tarot trump key No 20, Judgement. In this card we see people rising from coffins, responding to the sound of the angel’s trumpet. This is the call from the soul self to rise up and be reborn into a new order of being and living.

There is no going back to who and what we once were when the soul calls us to act.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 82 Golden Tainui, with its keyword ‘Renewal’, energetically correlates to this call. It is a call to change and it supports us to be open to new possibilities, to start anew and leave the shackles of the past behind so we can move to a whole new level in consciousness.



Bridging The Gap Between Where We Are And Where We Want To Be

As the changes in the world continue to swirl around us, having the ability to stay centred and calm in the eye of the proverbial storm is an important soul lesson that we can all learn and apply this year.

When we look to the last two digits for the year 2023, we see the master number 23 which is associated with change and progress. By adding the digits 2 + 3 together we get the reduced number 5.

The major trump tarot key number 5, The Hierophant represents the archetypal soul lesson associated with the number 5 which is being directed by inner guidance or ‘inner tuition’.

This card shows a religious figure in a position of authority sharing spiritual wisdom with the two figures at its feet. The figure sits between two pillars, symbolising the ability to be a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds.


We are encouraged to seek the necessary information to follow our own personal star and develop greater understanding of the inner worlds. Doing this brings more meaning to our lives.

Having a strong connection to spirit and following our own inner spiritual compass will ensure that we hold to our higher ideals and goals in times of upheaval, chaos and confusion.


First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 67 Red Rata has an energetic correlation to the number 5. With its keyword ‘Guidance’ this essence supports us to connect with our inner guidance, our inner teacher or intuition and in so doing regain a sense of personal or spiritual autonomy.

It supports us at the soul level to find our true vocation and creates a bridge between the higher and lower self.


Powerful foundational support at the soul level

Together, these three essences provide powerful foundational support at the soul level so we can feel empowered by the forces of change swirling about us that create opportunities for soul growth and evolution in 2023.

To help with this, the 2023 flower essence blend includes four flower essences from the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Flowers of Transformation Set for support at the personality level:


First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 5 Native Passionfruit, with its keyword ‘Abundance’ supports us to experience increasing levels of abundance and inner vitality, giving us the strength to cope with difficulties and summon the will to move forward.


First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 7 Mountain Parahebe, with its keyword ‘Communication’ supports us to assimilate and communicate information with greater ease, be mentally astute, and to break through to a new dimension in consciousness and see new options.


First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 20 Wineberry has the keyword ‘Cooperation’. It helps us to confront opposition with diplomacy, make strong choices and see problems in their right light.


First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 23 Lacebark has the keyword ‘Fearlessness’. This essence supports us to access deeper levels of the psyche so we can experience greater levels of courage and strength, and embrace opportunities for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth.

The 2023 flower essence blend also includes one more First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® essence to positively support us in the process of co-creating a whole new world:

The Future

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 103 Native Angelica is a shamanic essence that helps us come into alignment with the Aquarian Age energetic matrix that is now forming.

It acts as a bridge to facilitate connection with the future, supporting us to consciously create a positive vision for the future world that we want to experience for ourselves, for humanity and all life on Earth.


Step into Your Full Potential and Destiny in 2023 as only you can

With the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® 2023 Blend, you are well supported by mother nature and the cosmos to fully align with the energy of 2023. This blend energetically supports and empowers you to take advantage of new opportunities, to step into your true potential and destiny so you can make your unique positive contribution to a changing world in a way that only you can.

The First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® 2023 Blend can be taken in preparation for 2023 and throughout the year as often as needed and is suitable for everybody. Share it with loved ones and clients to support them at all levels of their being.

With many blessings,
Franchelle and the Team at First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®



First Light® 2023 Blend

Triumph and Destiny


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