How to Move Beyond Pain and the Seven Types of Trauma

How to Move Beyond Pain and the Seven Types of Trauma

“ We only begin to heal when we address our initial wounding

and its associated pain and trauma. This trauma can result from a single event

or from repeated experiences of abuse or deprivation”

Anthony Wyber

If you have ever had a traumatic experience, or spoken to somebody who has, you will know that the experience can overwhelm all coping mechanisms.

We can feel shocked, helpless, confused or lost and can have real difficulty in processing our emotions and the experience itself.

Unresolved trauma can lead to serious ongoing negative repercussions in our lives.

...but did you know that we can clear our own trauma from our energy field without having to relive it, no matter how old or how severe the trauma is?


Never underestimate the ongoing impact of trauma

After the initial shock, the energetic imprints of trauma can linger at an unconscious cellular level for a very long time and often people are not consciously aware that this is happening.

This is because a sudden severe shock or fright associated with trauma can have a serious impact on a person’s energy field, the aura.

Ever heard somebody say ‘I am beside myself’ or ‘I almost jumped out of my skin’?

In very intense cases of shock or fright the etheric and astral bodies quite literally move sideways to be out of alignment with the physical body.

The impact of shock or trauma on the body or aura and the ensuing probems they can cause should never be underestimated.

If negative energetic impacts of trauma are not addressed fully, this can lead to serious ongoing problematic repercussions in a person's life - such as:

  • feeling energetically depleted
  • experiencing emotional pain
  • feeling a sense of soul loss
  • not being able to move on from past events
  • experiencing ongoing health issues
  • being drawn into recurring dramas
  • having physical, emotional or mental insecurities
  • feeling stuck in disempowering experiences
  • avoiding specific life situations


The seven types of trauma

There are seven types of fundamental trauma that we can experience and most people suffer from a combination of them:

1. Physical/survival trauma
2. Emotional/sexual trauma
3. Disempowerment trauma
4. Heartfelt trauma
5. Humiliation trauma
6. Reality trauma
7. Spiritual trauma

Unresolved or uncleared trauma can restrict a person from fully experiencing their true nature and enjoying natural holistic wellbeing.


It is not necessary to re-experience trauma in order to clear it

The seven fundamental traumas can be cleared from a person’s energy field naturally with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®.

The seven fern essences in the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® range are made from New Zealand native ferns, which have over 400 million years of evolution behind them. 

They are the unique carriers of the special powers of nature that have the ability to access deep levels of the human psyche (soul) and help restore equilibrium and harmony. 

This quality of equilibrium and harmony is what a person can lose when they are traumatised.

Deep levels of holistic healing can occur and a person can experience inner freedom and harmony.  


Clearing trauma that may have threatened personal safety, security or survival

For example, No 37 King Fern essence in the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Life Trauma Set helps to clear negative energetic impacts of physical/survival trauma resulting from situations that threaten a person’s sense of personal safety, security or survival.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 37 King Fern essence helps to heal the ‘wounded child’ – the part that holds the memories of insecurity, physical abuse, neglect and other physical traumas. This fern essence also helps those who are going through separation, sudden changes to physical routine, loss of job, home or spouse. First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 37 King Fern essence supports a person to safely connect to life and physical existence, let one’s physical guard down and feel physically safe, secure, alive and present.


The First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Life Trauma Set contains:

No 37 King Fern – Security

  • Helps to clear negative energetic imprints of physical/survival trauma
  • Helps to feel alive and present
  • Helpful for those who are going through separation, sudden changes to physical routine, loss of job, home, spouse, etc


No 38 Rasp Fern – Boundaries

  • Helps to clear energetic imprints of emotional/sexual trauma
  • Helps to clear negative unconscious cellular memories of insufficiency and lack
  • Helpful for those who experience emotional peer pressure, any form of emotional/sexual harassment, violation


No 39 Shaking Brake Fern -Empowerment

  • Helps to clear energetic imprints of disempowerment trauma
  • Helps to release unconscious cellular memories of retribution, the need to conform to expectation, feelings of inadequacy
  • Helpful for those who feel helpless, being bullied or harassed


No 40 Silver Fern – Trust

  • Helps to clear energetic imprints of heartfelt trauma
  • Helps to release unconscious cellular memories of lack of acceptance or belonging, lack of trust, abandonment
  • Helpful for those who feel jealousy, unappreciated, let down, feel like they are being used


No 41 Prince Of Wales Feathers Fern – Respect

  • Helps to clear energetic imprints of humiliation trauma
  • Helps to release unconscious cellular memories of judgement or failure and disrespect
  • Helpful for those who have fear of speaking out, do not feel heard, feel afraid of failure, experience intense guilt


No 42 Star Fern – Authenticity

  • Helps to clear energetic imprints of reality trauma
  • Helps to release unconscious cellular memories of feeling or being different from the status quo
  • Helpful for those who experience self-doubt, life in constant turmoil, destructive patterns


No 43 Plumed Maidenhair Fern – Direction

  • Helps to clear energetic imprints of spiritual trauma
  • Helps to release unconscious cellular memories of losing control
  • Helpful for those who experience lack of direction, uncertainty, escapist tendencies


The First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences can be taken as a response to a situation, on daily basis to maintain healthy function of your aura or as part of an aura-detox program


How to do a First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Aura Detox Program© – 2 Steps: 

STEP 1: Add 3 drops of each of the First Light® fern essences No’s 37-43 to a 25ml bottle with 5ml of brandy and 20ml of pure spring water.

STEP 2: Take 2-4 drops from the 25ml flower essence blend bottle 3-4 times a day until finished (4-6 weeks).


With much love,
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®

P.S. In the First Light® Ferns – Life Trauma online course you can learn in depth about the aura and how to use First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences No’s 37-43 to help clear away the seven fundamental traumas from the aura without having to relive them. Find out more about this course here.



First Light® Ferns - Life Trauma

(full course + fern essences)