Q&A: Need More Sleep?

Q&A: Need More Sleep?

There are some things that you may not know about the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Online School.
One feature that our students tell us they really love is the “Ask Franchelle” Section where they can submit their study related questions and any questions they have about flower essences and holistic healing directly to me!
They can also access an extensive archive of all previous questions that I have answered.
As you can imagine, over the years I have received very interesting questions about how First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® can support us across topics that have ranged from vaccinations, soul healing and supporting children in need – to how I made vibrational medicine in co-operation with the Devas and how to break old patterns.


Recent Q&A: Getting more sleep 

Recently I was asked how taking First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® could support a person experiencing lack of sleep or insomnia, and given that there are so many people struggling to get a good night’s sleep at the moment, I thought I would share my answer with you in this newsletter…

Whilst it is important to note that our products do not claim to cure, heal, alleviate or prevent any illness or medical condition, they work holistically at a vibrational level to address the energetic root cause of an issue and to provide emotional and spiritual support.


Addressing the underlying energetic root cause

First and foremost, no two clients will express insomnia in the same way and so supporting a person with insomnia and a lack of sleep requires a personalised approach.

It is always important to listen to the specific keywords and phrases that your client uses – this will help you to determine the underlying energetic root cause of the issue and the most appropriate First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® essences to support them with the issues they are experiencing.


Selecting keywords

You can easily create the perfect personalised blend by selecting the essences based on the keywords and qualities for each essence from the The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa Volume One book.


Using intuition

You can also work intuitively and look to other tools you have at your disposal, such as the First Light® Flower Essence Cards© and your pendulum.


If it's a long standing issue

If the problem is a long-standing issue you can create an essence blend program for your client.

In the case of insomnia, initially the aura will require support and I would recommend the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Aura Support© combination essence for at least 2 months.


Breaking a pattern

When sleep patterns are disrupted and remain disrupted for any length of time it can be difficult to break the new disrupting sleep pattern without vibrational or energetic support.

The First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® seed essences No’s 51-57 can support us to break a pattern that no longer serves us and can help us to create new ‘right’ patterns for ourselves. 

Taking a flower essence blend containing First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® seed essences Nos 51 – 57 for at least 2 months provides the energetic support necessary to redefine, reorient and realign distorted patterns in consciousness that may contribute to sleep issues such as insomnia.

I hope that my message today can help you to support yourself or somebody that you care about to have a good sleep!


With much love,
Franchelle and the Team at First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®